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Family Support Services 

The caring Family Support Services staff aid households in Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben County that have a family member who is developmentally disabled and living at home. The program promotes the physical and social well-being, education, and financial stability of individuals who have developmental disabilities by assisting them and their families in obtaining support and linkage to existing community resources and services. The Economic Opportunity Program manages the Family Support Services Program with funding provided by the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). The program office is open Monday through Friday from 7:30a.m. to 3:30pm and is located in the Ernie Davis Family Center, next door to the Ernie Davis Community Center at Baldwin and Fifth Street.



The Recreation program focuses on opportunities for individuals and families to enjoy meaningful interaction with their community through social and recreational activities.  These activities provide individuals opportunities to be in social situations that they can enjoy, supports activities that take them out into the community and reduces stress levels by being involved in an activity they enjoy. Each consumer receives two vouchers, one for their use and one for a caregiver to attend with them to provide supervision and/or assistance.


Play Groups

We offer four playgroups, 3 Autism Playgroups broke out for age appropriate activities (ages 3-8; 9-14; 15-21) and one general playgroup for all disabilities. The Playgroup activities are facilitated monthly, by parent volunteers, and are operated under the guidance of the Program Coordinator. *If a participant is interested and within the age limit, s/he may request to join the playgroups.


Sensory Room**

The Family Support Services Sensory Room is open to the general public, a scheduled appointment is advised, but drop-ins are welcome. There is no need to be enrolled in a Family Support Services program in order to use the room.

This room can be used by people of all ages and abilities for relaxation, focused work, stimulation, therapy, and/or stress release. **This project has been funded by the Community Foundation of the Southern Tier.

Laura Angladai

EOP Family Support Services

Program Coordinator

650 Baldwin St.

Elmira, NY 14901

607-734-6174 ext. 284 

Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung and Schuyler Counties

650 Baldwin Street

Elmira, NY 14901

(607) 734-6174



Monday through Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


Other hours vary depending on program.

©2022 by Economic Opportunity Programm, Inc.

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